AcupunctureAcupuncture is a healing art that has been in use for thousands of years. It has evolved and developed into a respected, recognized and effective healing art that is practiced throughout the world.
Acupuncture has a unique way of viewing the body and its function. This unique understanding, allows the acupuncturist to facilitate better health by allowing the body to more fully express itself in the ways that it was designed. |
What to expect
Many people associate Acupuncture with needles. While it is true that needles are likely to be a part of your treatment, the practice of Acupuncture also includes the use of manual and massage therapies (Gua Sha and Tuina), cupping, as well as other traditional and modern modalities. On your first visit, Dr. Halden will do a thorough evaluation to determine the best treatment for you. This will include conversation, review of your history, and physical assessment that includes palpation, pulse taking and examination of other indicators that would indicate the need for acupuncture treatment.
Will the needles hurt? |
The needles used during an Acupuncture treatment are unique to this type of treatment. They are roughly the thickness of two of your hairs. They are solid, so nothing is injected or withdrawn. The needles may have some feel on insertion, but that sensation rarely lingers. In the unusual event that a needle creates some discomfort for you, there are many ways to address this. Overall, most people find an Acupuncture treatment to be comfortable and relaxing.
As part of Dr. Halden's preparation for Acupuncture practice, he became certified in Clean Needle Technique, helping to insure the safety and appropriateness of your experience. |